Sunday 22 September 2013

50 tips on how to lose weight in 10 days

       A person's weight is a combination of fat and water retention in his body. It is not a very difficult task to lose the initial few kilos. With a combination of right diet and right amount of exercise, you can actually lose up to 5 kgs in just 10 days. Follow at least a few of these 50 tips to see a wonderful change in your body structure.
1. Begin with doubling the amount of water intake. Drink at least 3 litres of water everyday.
2. Begin your day with a glass of lemon water. It increase your metabolism.
3. Do not miss your breakfast.
5. Take cereals, egg and milk in your breakfast. They keep you satiated for long.
6. Snack on nuts, but not more than a handful.
7. Avoid more than two cups of tea/coffee a day. 
8. Take stairs instead of the elevator.
9. Walk for 10 minutes after every two hours.
10. Sleep for at least eight hours a day.
11. Have an early dinner. Finish it before eight p.m.
12. Have a walk after your dinner.
13. Cut down on sweets.
14. Say no to colas and fruit drinks.
15. Banish alcohol altogether.
16. Avoid tobacco.
 17. Do not use artificial sweetners, they are nothing but harmful chemicals.
18. Diet colas are harmful too, so avoid them.
19. Do not sleep immediately after having food.
20. Do not consume more than three tea spoons of oil a day in any form.
21. Biscuits are really harmful, so simply avoid them.
22. Do not have fruit juices; they are direct source of sugar.
23. Eat whole fruits with their peels.
24. Avoid butter and clarified butter.
25. Sweets are dangerous if you want to lose weight, so steer clear of them.
26. If you are dining out, choose steamed food.
27. Include at least half a kg of mixed fruits in your diet everyday.
28. If you must have sugar in your tea, substitute it with honey.
29. Include yoghurt in your diet.

30. Be careful in choosing low calorie products, most of them are deceptive.
31. Eat food which is fresh and has been prepared not more than four hours earlier.
32. Avoid street food and fried foods.
33. Include vitamin supplements like Vitamin B, C and zinc in your diet,.
34. Consult a doctor and also eat an iron and calcium pill at least for a couple of days.
35. Say no to cakes and chocolates.
36. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
37. Include veggies like cabbage and pumpkin in your diet, they help in weight loss.
38. Try to drink warm water as much as possible.
39. Every time after having food, drink a glass of warm water.
40. Avoid carbs at night.
41. To add flavour to food add herbs like thyme, basil, cilantro etc.
42. Healthy snack options are- a handful of unsalted groundnuts, butter milk, salted lassi, fresh fruits, nuts, granola or muesli.

43.  Healthy breakfast options-egg on toast and unsweetned milkshake, poha, dalia, paratha(in very little oil), upma, cereal with milk, idli and dhokla.
44. Healthy lunch options-Veggie sandwich, rice, daal and subzee with curd, curd rice, chapatti, subzee/chicken and salad.

45. Go for lean meat like chicken and fish.
46. Avoid ice creams and milkshakes.
47. Go for unsweetened smoothies, they are very filling.
48. Avoid stress.
49. To bring down stress, meditate for at least 10 minutes everyday. You can do this even while offering your daily prayers.
50.  Maintain a food diary to keep a tab on every morsel that you are eating.

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